Getting started guide

All the information you’ll need to set up and “play” with the AgileOps Essential Free theme

Install AgileOps Essential Free template

1. From the main navigation, select Marketplaces > Template Marketplace
2. Search AgileOps Essential Free on the search bar then click to select the template
Hubspot search
3. Select Install to configure installation
Frame 777 (2)
4. Check on the agreement of using a third party product > Install for free to install the template
Order summary

Create a website with AgileOps Essential Free template

1. From the main navigation, select Marketing > Website > Website Pages
HubSpot - Create website page
2. Select Create > Website page to create a website page
HubSpot - Create page
3. In Choose a template section, browse AgileOps Essential Free then select Set as active theme
HubSpot - set theme to active
4. We offer template for Contact page, Home page, and Product page, click on Select template to use create a page with the selected template then select Save.
HubSpot - Theme

Configure AgileOps Essential Free theme color

There are some fields that you need to configure the colors: Global colors, Forms, and Website header.
To configure these fields, on the page editor, select Edit > Theme: AgileOps Essential Free.
Global color
In the Global colors section, you need to configure the Primary and Secondary colors.
1. In the Edit theme settings, click on the dropdown in the Global colors section
HubSpot - change global colors

2. Fill the number colors:

  • Primary: #00c285

  • Secondary: #202333

HubSpot - fill global colors
In the Forms section, you need to configure the border color.
1. In the Edit theme settings, click on the dropdown in the Forms section > Button
HubSpot - change border colors
2. In the Button section, click on the dropdown in the Border field, then fill the number color: #00c285
HbSpot - fill border color
Website header
In the Website header section, you need to configure text color of the menu and background color.
1. In the Edit theme settings, click on the dropdown in the Website header section
HubSpot - change text of menu
2. In Website header, click on the dropdown in the Menu field > Text, then fill the number color: #000000
HubSpot - fill text menu color
3. In Website header, click on the dropdown in the Menu field > Background, then fill the number color: #FFFFFF
HubSpot - fill text background color

Configure your blog theme with AgileOps Essential Free template

Access the blog template settings to change blog detail theme or blog listing page theme.
1. Click on Settings icon on the top right corner to go to Settings
Frame 1
2. In the Settings, in the Tools section, select Website > Blog. By default, you are in General tab, click on Templates to start configuring blog detail theme.
HubSpot - Blog details setting
To change your blog detail theme to AgileOps Blog Listing template:
1. In the Blog Post Template, click on Actions > Change theme
HubSpot - Blog detail chang template
2. Choose AgileOps Essential Free theme > Done. Then click Save at the bottom left corner.
HubSpot - choose template - done
To change your blog listing page theme to AgileOps Blog Detail template:
1. In the Blog Listing Page, click on Action > Change template
HubSpot - Blog listing theme
2. In the Page Settings, select Templates > Use different template
HubSpot - blog listing 1

3. Select either Boilerplate - blog listing or Boilerplate - blog listing dnd, then click on Use template to change

Boilerplate - blog listing doesn’t allow for modules to be added. Boilerplate - blog listing dnd allows for modules to be added.

HubSpot - blog listing 2

Learn more about AgileOps Essential Free template

AgileOps offers 5 templates, each of theme provides number of modules which can be removeable or addable into selected template

1. HOME: 10 modules

2. PRODUCT: 9 modules

3. CONTACT: 1 module

4. BLOG LISTING: 3 modules

5. BLOG DETAIL: 2 modules

Need support?

If you have any question or difficulty configuring the AgileOps Essential Free theme, contact us at: